By Monday, April 7, please post your prompt for your culminating paper. This should consist of the Big Question you are going to explore and a list of literary works that you might use. Refer to the handout called The Final Tuesday Writing. (Homer says, "Mmmmmmm, culminating paper...)
In many literary works, primary characters face suffering and loss. Such losses and pains often pave the road toward a life of experience and enlightenment. Choose a novel of literary merit and write an organized essay in which you identify the suffering of a character and its purpose, and describe how the author develops this aspect of the work.
Also address: What is the attitude of the primary character toward his OWN sufferring?
In most works of literature, characters in the couse of the conflict come across many forms of love and connection. Whether a deep relatioship between two people, or a sincere love and appreciation for others-- many characters could claim to have found "true love" in one form or another. Choose a novel or poem that exhibits a relatiohship of love and discuss if what they have in your opinion is "true love," what that looks like, and how it influences both of their lives.
Crime & Punishment
Henry IV Part 1
Killer Angels
Saint Joan
Murder in the Cathedral
Oedipus Rex
Slaughterhouse Five
Other Poems
In not only works of literature, but in real life, we are faced with numerous choices everyday. These choices, and the decisions made regarding them, may at times seem small and insignificant, but have the capability to change your life in unsuspected and often irreversible ways. Choose a novel, poem, or short story of literary merit in which the author demonstrates the vital role everyday actions and decisions play in shaping one's life, whether it be for better or worse. Then, describe the author's purpose in presenting each event, and the path the character chooses to take regarding them.
Crime & Punishment
The Kite Runner
Oepidus Rex
Henry IV Part 1
Slaughterhouse Five
The Awakening
All organized societies- including our own- have created rules and hierarchies to perpetuate their own existence. Although civilizations are ostensibly created for the benefits of mankind, many authors and social critics have argued that the rules created to preserve societal structure, stablitity, and homogeneity are fundamentally at odds with man 's natural impulses. To what extent do our studied authors believe society stifles man's freedom, and in what ways is this message illustrated or conveyed?
A Clockwork Orange
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Crime and Punishment
and possibly Beloved are the creative works I will be exploring
Memories have the potential to bring a person joy and happiness, or sorrow and suffering. Many authors explore the power of remembering as their characters endure both painful and joyful memories. Choose a novel, play , or poem of literary merit in which a character is consumed in memory and identify how the author uses memories to mold the character.
Crime & Punishment
Oedipus Rex
Don't Scream
Blood Brothers
Tortilla Curtain
The past molds how one thinks and acts, and ultimately forms the person one becomes. Throughout the past, humans have questioned the true meanings of "good" and "evil." Choose several novels and/or poems that illustrate how a one's view of his past influences his definitions "good" and "evil," and how these definitions shape his actions and personality.
The Kite Runner
Crime and Punishment
Slaughterhouse Five
The Moon Is Down
A Thousand Splendid Suns
Many people formulate their own theories of a fate/destiny, or a lack thereof. These theories are often the basis for which people find meaning in their lives, and consequently affect their day-to-day behavior. Choose a work of literary merit that contains a theory of fate, and write an essay in which you identify this theory and how it affects the behavior of a character in the work.
Oedipus Rex
Crime and Punishment
The Road
Slaughterhouse Five
In many works of literature, a character finds themselves searching their inner self to discover their own identity. Who they are and what their purpose is is a question from the beginning of the novel. Choose novels of literay merit and write a well organized essay in which you describe multiple characters that undergo identity crisis that in turn effect their entire surrounding. Then piece together the reasons the author included these crisi's that furthered the overall meaning of the novel.
Oediopus Rex
Henry IV Part 1
The Kite Runner
In many works of literature, suffering plays an integral part upon the theme and the main characters. Choose several novels and/or plays in which suffering plays a role, and analyze the origin of the suffering in each.
Crime & Punishment
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
The Kite Runner
A Clockwork Orange
The Cry of the Dove
Feel free to include other aspects such as movies, music, etc.
In many works of literature, characters are plagued by their inability to accept and understand their past. Describe the importance of the past in relation to one or several novels of literary merit and discuss their assertions on the role of past in influencing the future.
Crime & Punishment
Kite Runner
and any poems from Tuesday Writings or Poetry Papers
All humans experience a conflict between their emotions, subconscious, and higher brain. Examine how this conflict effects the personalities, thoughts, and actions of characters from multiple books or poems of literary merit.
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Slaughterhouse Five
The Race
Let it Enfold You
Through life cicumstances everyone is faced with trials and difficulties. Through these experiances we are faced with how to handle them. Are people naturally evil with postive experiances or are they naturally good but through negative experiances in life become hardened and evil?
Crime and Punishment
Kite Runner
Water for Elephants
Scattered across the pages of history and literature are the faces of the powerful. Whether that power resides over a nation or solely an individual, there is always competition for a place of power. Choose at least three works of literary merit that explore the human desire to attain power and explain why this attribute is attractive.
Oedipus Rex
Crime and Punishment
East of Eden
Water for Elephants
what is death and what can we learn about human connection to physical and non-physical entities through interpretation of this event?
Slaughterhouse Five
The Sea Gull
Crime and Punishment
Oedipus Rex
Art is often an expression of complex emotions that the artist wishes to let out. Literature, as an art, attempts to make sense of human emotion and its purpose in day to day life. Choose a novel of literary merit and write a well organized essay that examines the role emotion plays in the development of a central character and how it effects that character's perception and creativity.
Snow Falling on Cedars
Oedipus Rex
Crime and Punishment
Birth of a Child in Wartime, The Lady of Shallot, and other poems
Slaughterhouse Five
Question: Must man atone for his sins or can he be forgiven?
Prompt: In many works of literature, a character commits an act that he/she regrets or feels guilt about. Is it necessary that a person atone for this act or can they simply ignore it and continue with their lives?
Will Hea
Throughout the history of mankind, individuals have questioned their ability to change the world around them, and to impact their future. With two of the following texts please contrast how two characters' situations impacted their ability to change their world:
Slaughterhouse Five
Crime and Punishment
East of Eden
On the Road
"Nature gave me a body shape and eye colour and hair colour and skin colour and gender and the rest was up to my society to nurture."--annoymous. In literature life is good and bad, but the question isn't how you do things, but why... I am still thinking of what to say, any suggestions. My prompt is, to choose three pieces of literature in which deals with confliting issues of nature vs. nurture. The question doesn't need to be solved, just defended. Here are some of the pieces i am thinking of using. Crime and Punishment, odepius rex, East of Eden, Henry VI part one, and some collection of poems.
As Herman Melville so eloquently remarked, "We cannot live for ourselves alone, our lives are connected by a thousand invisible threads". In everyday life we often struggle to explain others actions. A jury must decide whether a shooting was a malicious or in self-defense. A new acquaintance is immediately judged on whether the stranger’s geniality is genuine. Yet in either case we must associate their behavior to either their inherent disposition or to the situation and experiences that have shaped them. Choose a novel of literary merit and write a well organized essay in which you explore whether our environment shape and influence who we are or whether we are we born with inherent flaws in character.
Novels explored
Oedipus Rex
Crime and Punishment
In Cold Blood
Kite Runner
Other poems
Martin Luther King Jr claimed "True peace is not merely the absence of tension: it is the presence of justice." Choose a novel of literary merit and discuss its exploration of this theme. Be sure to assess the validity of King's statement and whether full or true justice is attainable.
Crime and Punishment
Kite Runner
Slaughterhouse Five
Plato's Republic
Henry IV
In numerous literary novels, the object of death is often expressed through the fears and evnevitably the end to a life. Choose a novel or poem that thourowly aids the author in determining why people flee and fear with the notion of death and objects that symbolize death.
The Kite Runner
Crime and Punishment
Slaughter House Five
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